Preparing Dreamweaver for Ektron CMS400.NET Functions

To have Ektron CMS400.NET function symbols appear in Dreamweaver, while editing a Web page, you must edit two PreviewModeCustomTags.edml Dreamweaver files. The steps below explain how to edit the files.

1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Translator > ASP.NET_VB location in the Dreamweaver install location. For example:

         C:\Program Files\Adobe\Dreamweaver X\Configuration\Translators\ASP.NET_VB\

Note: In the path above, X represents the version of Dreamweaver you are using. For example, Dreamweaver 8 or Dreamweaver MX.

2. Open the PreviewModeCustomTags.edml file using Notepad.

3. Search for the following line of code in the file.

<searchPattern requiredLocation="openTag"><![CDATA[/runat\s*=\s*"?server"?/i]]></searchPattern>

4. Add the following line after it.

           <searchPattern requiredLocation="tagName"><![CDATA[/^(?!cms:)/i]]></searchPattern>

Warning! This line must be inserted after the line above. Order is important.

5. Save and close the file.

6. Navigate to the Translator > ASP.NET_Csharp location in the Dreamweaver install location. For example:

     C:\Program Files\Adobe\Dreamweaver X\Configuration\Translators\ASP.NET_Csharp\

Note: In the path above, X represents the version of Dreamweaver you are using. For example, Dreamweaver 8 or Dreamweaver MX.

7. Open the PreviewModeCustomTags.edml file using Notepad.

8. Search for the following line of code in the file.

<searchPattern requiredLocation="openTag"><![CDATA[/runat\s*=\s*"?server"?/i]]></searchPattern>

9. Add the following line after it.

           <searchPattern requiredLocation="tagName"><![CDATA[/^(?!cms:)/i]]></searchPattern>

Warning! This line must be inserted after the line above. Order is important.

10. Save the file.

You are now ready to Install the Ektron CMS400.NET extension. See Also: Installing the Extensions

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